Summit City
Summit City
Traffic and Criminal Offenses
Town Overview
Many offenses in Summit occur in residential areas. The Summit City Police maintain speed traps and check points on a fairly regular basis. Raymond Albert Raya, Esq. appears in Summit City Municipal Court on a regular basis for private clients. With his breath of experience, Raymond Albert Raya, Esq. knows how to defend your rights and to successfully resolve your motor vehicle charge or criminal offense in Summit City. Whether the offense is Driving While Intoxicated (DWI), Possession of Drugs/CDS or a minor moving violation, Raymond Albert Raya, Esq. possesses the unique insight and personal contacts to help you through this ordeal. Contact our office for a free consultation to see what we can do for you.
Summit City Municipal Court
The Summit City Municipal Court only hears misdemeanor criminal offenses and traffic offense cases. In some instances, individuals charged with more serious offenses will have their initial court appearance in Summit City Municipal Court before their matter is transferred to the Union County Prosecutor’s Office in Elizabeth. A conviction for a violation like DWI, driving while suspended, or possession of marijuana can tarnish your record for a long time. While the penalties of monetary fines, loss of driving privileges, community service, probation and sometimes even jail can be life-altering, the stigma of a having a criminal or motor vehicle conviction on your permanent record can haunt you for years to come. Our office fights to avoid these outcomes. We handle all Summit City Municipal Court charges including Underage Drinking, Possession of Marijuana, Shoplifting, Disorderly Conduct, Criminal Mischief, Speeding, Reckless Driving, Racing, DWI, Refusal, driving without insurance and driving while suspended or revoked. We also help you seek the help you need if your actions were the result of a drug or alcohol addiction. If you are being prosecuted for a criminal charge or traffic ticket like one of these, give our offices a call and tell us about your situation.
The Summit City Municipal Court is located at 512 Springfield Ave, Summit, NJ 07901. Their phone number there is (908) 273-6166 and the fax number is (908) 522-1693. The Honorable Donald Bogosian is the presiding judge. Eileen Keating is the municipal court administrator. Find out more at
Directions to Summit City Municipal Court
Summit City Municipal Building is located at 512 Springfield Ave, Summit, NJ 07901.
From NYC
Take NJ turnpike (95) South to exit 14, then Interstate 78 West into Route #24/124 West
Exit at Summit Avenue – Summit (second Summit exit).
At traffic light turn left over bridge; go straight on Summit Avenue for approximately one mile through residential area.
At Springfield Avenue (2nd traffic light) turn right.
Go straighton Springfield Avenue through two (2) more lights.
City Hall is on the left-hand side.
From Garden State Parkway
South to exit 142 to Interstate 78 West into Route #24/124 West.
Then follow the same directions as above.
North to exit 142 (keep far right) to Interstate 78 East for one exit and follow signs to turn around for 78 West into Route #24/124 West.
Then follow the samedirections as above.
From South New Jersey and Philadelphia
Take NJ Turnpike North to exit 14, then Interstate 78 West into Route #24/124 West.
Then follow the same directions as above.
From Clinton and West
Interstate 78 East to Route #24/124 West.
Then follow the same directions as above.
Interstate 78 East to Glenside Avenue, Summit Exit.
At the light turn left onto Glenside Avenue.
Follow to the STOP sign. Make left, then left again up the hill onto Morris Avenue.
Follow Morris for approximately 1 mile.
At the 4th light (past 7-11) take the YIELD sign on the right to Springfield Avenue.
Entrance to City Hall on the right.