Revoked License

N.J.S.A 39:3-40

Driving on a Suspended License

A conviction of driving on a suspended or revoked license in New Jersey can carry penalties of up to five years in jail and up to $2250 in fines and surcharges.

There is a real and tangible benefit in getting a lawyer to fight traffic charges.  When you have an offense that is as serious as driving on a suspended license, your freedom and your driving priviliges are at risk.  I am ready to discuss your situation.  Contact my New Jersey law office to arrange a consultation. I represent individuals who have received a summons or been arrested for driving while suspended anywhere in New Jersey.

N.J.S.A. 39:3-40 Driving While Suspended

  • No person shall operate a vehicle whose license privilege has been revoked.

Penalties for Violation of N.J.S.A. 39:3-40

  • 1st Offense: $500 fine, up to 6 months additional license suspension.
  • 2nd Offense: $750 fine, five (5) days in jail, up to five (5) months additional license suspension.
  • 3rd Offense: $1,000 fine, ten (10) days in jail, up to six (6) months additional license suspension, forty-five (45) additional days in jail if involved in an accident involving injury/victim.

Only after discussing your case with an attorney with the appropriate experience can you make a well-informed decision about whether to fight a charge of driving on a suspended or revoked license or plead guilty and pay the fine. If you would like to speak with me, call 1-732-845-3203 or e-mail Ray at to set up a consultation.

I represent clients who have received a summons or been arrested on a wide variety of traffic violations, defending them throughout New Jersey.

The Law Offices of Raymond A. Raya, Esq.

Monmouth County Lawyer

Traffic · DUI/DWI · Criminal Defense · Municipal